
Welcome to Dip Studio, an industrial design consultancy based in San Diego, CA, dedicated to bringing physical product ideas to market.

What do we do in 46 seconds?

We've explained how we can help you in just 46 seconds. Please feel free to look around. If you have any questions, click the button below, and let's talk!

Are you curious about how we work?

Fill out the form below and download 10 Steps to Develop any Product: From Idea to Reality, with actionable steps, and learn how we bring ideas to life.

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We specialize in Industrial Design (Physical Product Design) and offer our clients market strategy, graphic design, and manufacturing support for a complete idea-to-market solution.

Previous work

DIP stands for Design in Progress, reflecting our belief that successful product development is a continuous journey of experimentation and iteration.

Want to know more about us? Click below.

What clients say about us…

  • “DIP and Alex did an outstanding job for us. They understood our needs quickly and delivered a final design that exceeded our expectations.”

    Peter Johnson - CEO Rad Golf

  • "DIP really impressed me with their exceptional creativity and passion for design and product development. A truly outstanding team!"

    Matheus Arnellas - CEO Cone

  • “I had a great time working with Alex and his team. They were highly professional, and together we developed one of our GPS tracking systems. It looks great, and the production process was simplified."

    Todd Novak - Managing Director Syncwise

Let’s bring your ideas to life


Send us a message, and we'll take it from there!